8:58 PM: The snow has picked up in intensity for the area, and continues to expand. As a result, I issued a
Light Snow Alert for most of the area, in effect through late tonight. While a general dusting is expected, places that see heavier snow could see a coating to potentially 1/4 inch of snow.
As the source of snow is shifting east, light to occasionally moderate snow will continue falling across SE NY and NE NJ, however locally heavier bands of snow are forming and moving into western Long Island and SW Connecticut, which will continue to intensify and expand as they move NE while spreading east.
7:15 PM: A snow squall recently developed in NYC over the last 15 minutes, and is currently intensifying and expanding, affecting all of NYC and the immediate suburbs. As this is only a new squall, exactly how much snow falls cannot be determined yet, as well as how long the snow lasts, but a dusting of snow is expected where snow falls with the potential of a coating of snow, and even up to 1/4 inch of snow in isolated places cannot be ruled out if the snow is heavy enough and lasts long enough.
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